The paper “Frame Semantics Annotation Made Easy with DBpedia” by Marco Fossati, Sara Tonelli and Claudio Giuliano has been accepted at the 1st International Workshop on Crowdsourcing the Semantic Web (CrowdSem2013), co-located with ISWC2013.
Here is the abstract of the paper:
“Crowdsourcing techniques applied to natural language processing have recently experienced a steady growth and represent a cheap and fast, albeit valid, solution to create benchmarks and training data. Nevertheless, some particularly complex tasks such as semantic role annotation have been rarely conducted in a crowdsourcing environment, due to their intrinsic difficulty. In this paper, we present a novel approach to accomplish this task by leveraging information automatically extracted from DBpedia. We show that replacing role definitions, typically meant for expert annotators, with a list of DBpedia types, makes the identification and assignment of role labels more intuitive also for non-expert workers. Results prove that such strategy improves on the standard annotation workflow, both in terms of accuracy and of time consumption.”
