Current projects


Our research group is involved in the HYBRIDS MSCA network, aimed at supporting PhD candidates to research online misinformation and develop AI-based strategies to fight it.

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Closed projects

SCAN II: Small Claim ANalysis

Our research group is involved in the SCANII European project, whose goal is to simplify Small Claim Procedures across different European countries

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PROTECTOR: Protecting Places of Worship

Our research group is involved in the PROTECTOR European project, whose goal is to monitor religious hate online and analyse rumours and fake news related to religion.

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Dalla parte di Eva

Il progetto “Dalla parte di Eva”, finanziato dall’Assessorato alle Pari Opportunità della Provincia di Trento, ha l’obiettivo di creare dibattito e nuove conoscenze all’interno di ciascuna comunità …

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SIMPATICO H2020 project

The SIMPATICO project (SIMplifying the interaction with Public Administration Through Information technology for Citizens and Companies) is a Horizon2020 research and innovation action (RIA) whose …

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It-TimeML is the adaptation of TimeML to Italian: it is a markup language for the annotation of temporal information in texts. The identification of temporal information is …

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