The EIT Digital Project CREEP (Cyberbulling Effects Prevention) had the goal to identify and prevent the possible negative impacts of cyberbullying on young people. Within the project, the consortium realised advanced technologies for the early detection of cyberbullying phenomena through the monitoring of social media and the communication of preventive advices and personalized recommendations tailored to adolescents’ needs through a virtual coaching system (chatbot).
Thanks also to the support of the Department of Health and Social Solidarity and the Department of Knowledge of the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy), we created a living lab in the Trentino Region to analyse cyberbullying not only on the Web, but also through a survey administered to a representative sample of students and in-depth interviews with experts in the fields of education and health. Furthermore, students and teachers of some pilot classes of local middle and high schools took part in educational and exploratory workshops, aimed at raising awareness on the phenomenon and testing the technological tools developed.
One of the research outcomes of this project is the WhatsApp dataset with simulated interactions, collected during the labs with middle- and high-school classes. Link here.
