The LOD NAVIGATOR takes in input the data made available by the Contemporary Jewish Documentation Center (CDEC) in Milan, in collaboration with regesta.exe, and published in Linked Open Data format to show the movements of the Italian victims of Shoah. To this end, we used the SPARQL endpoint to collect biographical data together with information about the persecution and deportation of each victim. The places of birth, arrest, detention, deportation to a Nazi camp, transfer, and return after liberation (if available) were georeferenced and associated to the corresponding date. All the movements are then displayed in an interactive interface.
The tool is distributed in different releases complying with different operating systems and with a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Rachele Sprugnoli, Giovanni Moretti, Sara Tonelli. LOD Navigator: Tracing Movements of Italian Shoah Victims. To appear in Proceedings of EHRI workshop Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation, Digital Humanities.
