Creation of an online digital archive of verbo-visual artworks from the Mart Museum in Trento and the Museion in Bozen.
1) Promoting the verbo-visual artworks (e.g. artist’s books and magazines, documents and letters) and make them accessible to the wide audience
2) Support experts in collecting, organizing and displaying archival data about the verbo-visual collection
2.5 years
CaRiTRo funding scheme
Unit role:
We are in charge of the technical implementation of the online platform. In particular we collaborate with researchers in arts and digital archives to design possible exploration paths through the collection, merge and harmonize metadata coming from MART and MUSEION databases, implement advanced functions in the platform for expert users.
Besides, we implemented an interactive game for collecting similarity judgments about the artworks in the collection, in order to investigate how different users perceive visual similarity and how this can help curators build possible exhibition paths. So far we have collected more than 1700 similarity judgments, which will be used to analyse possible correlations between users’ and artworks’ characteristics and perceived similarity. This game is called PAGANS (Playful Art: a GAme oN Similarity) and it won the “Digital Humanities Award 2015” in the category “Best use of DH for fun”.
The project and the verbo-visual artworks have also inspired a dance performance by Asd Artedanza. See some pictures of the performance are displayed on the right-hand side of the page. A video is available on our Youtube channel:
Giovanni Moretti, Sara Tonelli and Rachele Sprugnoli. Collecting judgments on Artworks through a Similarity Game. In Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Conference (DH2016), Krakow, Poland.
Mauro Dragoni, Serena Villata, Sara Tonelli and Elena Cabrio. Enriching a Small Artwork Collection through Semantic Linking. In Proceedings of the 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2016), Crete, Grece.
Sara Tonelli and Rachele Sprugnoli (2014). “Creating a platform for navigating verbo-visual art collections“. Demo at Museums and the Web 2014 conference, 18-21 February, Florence, Italy.
Alessandro Marchetti, Sara Tonelli and Rachele Sprugnoli (2013). “The Verbo-Visual Virtual Platform for Digitizing and Navigating Cultural Heritage Collections”. 2nd Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Digital Humanities and Digital Culture (AIUCD 2013), 11-12 December, Padova, Italy. [Preprint version]
Elena Cabrio, Sara Tonelli, Serena Villata, Ahmed Missaoui and Catherine Faron Zucker (2015) “Semantic Linking to Enrich Small Artwork Collections: Experiences with Archivio di Nuova Scrittura”. 4th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Digital Humanities and Digital Culture (AIUCD). 17-19 December, Torino, Italy.
Sara Tonelli. “Sviluppo della piattaforma Verbo-Visuale-Virtuale: Sfide metodologiche e tecniche”. In Materiale Immateriale. Quaderni MART 1/2016. ISBN 978-88- 95133-20-1.
Project presentation.
Trailer of the dance performance by ArteDanza inspired by the project and presented during the 2015 Researchers’ Night in Trento.

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