We have two projects listed in the showcase provided by the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) on its website. These two projects have been accepted by EADH for their meaningful contribution to Digital Humanities in Europe.
- ALCIDE is a web-based platform designed to assist humanities scholars in analysing large amounts of data such as historical sources and literary works. The system combines advanced text processing techniques, intuitive visualisations and close/distant reading of corpora. In ALCIDE, it is possible to browse through the content of document collections and analyse them interactively along different dimensions, including the lexical, the semantic, the geographical and the temporal level.
- MADRE is a project that employed advanced text analytics tools and methods to better understand discourse on gender along three main dimensions: visibility, resonance and legitimacy. Another goal of the project is to promote awareness on the relation between gender and media. The outcome of the project is a toolkit to automatically understand 1. which topics are discussed within sources of public information, and 2. which issues overlap with the Italian and local political agenda.

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