Sara Tonelli will take part to the panel on “Digital Humanities” organized during the Euregio Research Conference on “Shifting Boundaries”.
Boundaries change. They can be created, dissolved, hardened, shifted. Their transformation suggests that the idea that borders can be crystallized once and for all is highly dubious. The fixity of boundaries is challenged by figures, situations and institutions evoking a multiplicity of paths and passageways through boundaries, pointing to the ever-changing history of the practice of bordering.
The Europa-Region Tirol Südtirol Trentino is a paradigmatic borderland, where multiple borders overlap, where passageways open up and shut again.
The practice of bordering concerns not only the subdivision of space; it is stratified and diffused, it occurs in a number of spheres. Borders can be linguistic, gendered, legal, historical, ecological, literary and economic.
The conference is meant to be an interdisciplinary forum for discussion, providing a platform where prospective research partners could meet and possibly plant the seeds for future research collaboration.
The aim of the research forum is to illustrate directions for research in different disciplines and to provide a way for these to come together in broader research projects around the theme of shifting boundaries.
The first EUREGIO conference will take place in Bozen-Bolzano from 17-18 November 2016, co-organized by the 3 universities (Innsbruck, Trento, Bolzano). It is meant to be an open forum for trans- and multi-disciplinary exploration, bringing together academics with different backgrounds and expertise, presenting their work at panels with 20 minute presentations.
Piazza Università 1, Free University of Bozen, Italy
