Tint (The Italian NLP Tool) is an open-source Java-based pipeline for Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Italian.

Tint is based on Stanford CoreNLP, and can be used as a stand-alone tool, included as a Java library, or as a REST API service. It is also deployed on Maven Central, therefore it can be easily integrated in an existing project.

The tool is fast and accurate, and implements most of the common linguistic tools, such as part-of-speech tagging and dependency parsing. It also includes wrappers (for third-party tools) that use the CoreNLP paradigm and therefore can be applied to languages different than Italian. Among them, temporal expression identification and normalization with HeidelTime, entity linking with DBpedia Spotlight and The Wiki Machine, keyword extraction through KD, geocoding with Nominatim.

The source code of Tint is available on its Github project page and it is released under the GPLv3.

For more information, visit the Tint website.

