We mapped the persecution of 202 persons of Trentino that were deported to the 3rd Reich camps during the Second World War, giving access to the corresponding dataset both in RDF and through an interactive visualization.
This work takes advantage of an online archive made available by Laboratorio di storia di Rovereto (http://www.labstoriarovereto.it/archivi/trentini_deportati_nei_Lager_del_3_Reich) whose data have been published also in a dedicated volume: Laboratorio di storia di Rovereto. 2013. Almeno i nomi. Civili trentini deportati nel Terzo Reich. 1939-1945. Presidenza del Consiglio della Provincia autonoma di Trento. ISBN: 9788897372431.
We release the following resources at this link https://github.com/dhfbk/TN-Navigator :
- export.ttl: data about the persecution of Trentino people in Turtle format;
- TN-Navigator: stand-alone application for the visualization of the persecution of Trentino people in different versions:
- TN Navigator Setup 1.0.1.exe for Windows
- TN Navigator-1.0.1.dmg for Mac
- TN_Navigator_1.0.1_amd64.deb for Debian
- TN_Navigator-1.0.1-linux.zip portable for Linux
Please cite: Sprugnoli, R., Palmero Aprosio, A., Moretti, G., Tonelli, S. 2019. Mapping the Persecution of Trentino People Deported to the 3rd Reich Camps. In the book of abtracts of AIUCD 2019.